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European Business Ethics Network Research Conference

Artikel vom 15.08.2022

Foto: shutterstock

In Cooperation with the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN), the Schader Foundation organized a research conference about strategies for business ethics, sustainable finance and whistle-blowing.

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Beginn: 28.09.2022 | 14:00 Uhr

Ende: 29.09.2022 | 17:00 Uhr

Ort: Schader-Forum | Goethestr. 2 | 64285 Darmstadt
In Google Maps öffnen

The EBEN Research Conference 2022

Business ethics has emerged as an academic teaching and research discipline focusing on practical relevance, that is, moral conflict management and prevention in business contexts, and education of future and present business professionals.

A strategic dialogue is needed in times of several parallel crises: the Covid-19 crisis with all its uncertainties and a European war since February this year, in addition to an increasingly noticeable climate crisis as we are all experiencing currently. Such a dialogue can either focus more traditionally on business ethics theory and practice, or use overlapping and competing terminologies and frames of reference - such as corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, and most prominently: sustainability – in addition or instead.

The Schader-Stiftung and the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) did invite academics and business practitioners to the EBEN Research Conference 2022 in the Schader-Forum in Darmstadt.

Topics were strategies for business ethics and sustainability research and practice throughout Europe. Additionally, there was a choice between two parallel tracks on the second day. Track one  focused on sustainable finance and was based on paper presentations. Track two focused on whistle-blowing and was based on a mix of dialogue design and presentations about projects in progress.

Questions that were discussed during plenary sessions and workshops include:


  • What are our strengths and weaknesses, and what opportunities and threats do we face as responsible individuals and communities (such EBEN or similar networks in the field of social sciences) in a societal and global climate of crises and uncertainties?
  • How can one make sustainable finance work in practice? What would a sustainable finance model look like for financial institutions?
  • What is wise and legitimate whistle-blowing, i.e. neither abused nor under-exploited?
  • What mix of normative-sceptical, empirical and practice-focused approaches can and should be used for investigating whistle-blowing appropriately?

The number of participants on site was limited and only possible by complying with the current infection protection policies of the Schader Foundation. More details here. There was a participation fee of 40,- Euro to attend the conference in Darmstadt.

The corresponding contacts for the conference are Tatiana Soto Bermudez and Dennis Weis.


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