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The Schader Foundation during the Covid19-Pandemic

Artikel vom 16.08.2022

We would like to inform you about our Infection protection concept, about events on the Schader campus and about our workplace.

A safe place for dialogue

Over the past two years, we as a team at the Schader Foundation have positioned ourselves to continuously fulfill our purpose of facilitating dialogue between social sciences and practice, even under Covid19 pandemic conditions. Hybrid and digital formats have been instituted. Most valuable to us, however, continues to be the personal exchange with you. We want to use our facilites and create encounters there. To keep us all safe during the process, full immunization remains essential, in addition to mutual consideration.

To view our current precautions, please click on the expanded Covid19-measures to the righthand side.

We continue to look forward to personal exchanges with you.

Your team of the Schader Foundation


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