Green Transformations in the Global South (GreeTS) - Public Panel
Artikel vom 07.01.2019

The international and interdisciplinary research project “GreeTS: Green Transformations in the Global South” presented its findings on the implementation and driving forces behind the changes in energy and land-use policy in the Global South as well as its implications for industrialized countries at a public panel at the Schader-Forum in Darmstadt on the 17th of January 2019.
Beginn: 17.01.2019 | 19:30 Uhr
Ende: 17.01.2019 | 21:00 Uhr
Schader-Forum | Goethestraße 2 | 64285 Darmstadt
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Green Transformations
Change, the loss of biodiversity and the pollution of the oceans – over the last century the sum of human activities has clearly pushed us beyond our planetary boundaries. Therefore, radical transformations are necessary on all levels to achieve sustainability in its economic, social, and ecological dimensions to enable a good life for future generations. The primary responsibility in global environmental governance rests with industrialized states, but emerging economies of the Global South have also become important players sometimes aligning their political and economical practices towards “green ideas”. Especially changes in the areas of “land use”, such as forestry and agribusiness as well as “energy”, with the expansion of renewable energy sources, promise positive effects.
Various countries have articulated energy or land-use targets through which they commit themselves towards the implementation of ambitious policies. Two pioneers in this development are Costa Rica and Vietnam. Costa Rica, the allegedly liberal Eldorado for ecotourism, has expressed the objective of becoming “carbon-neutral” until 2021. Vietnam, one of the new so called “Asian Tigers”, puts an increasing emphasis on “green growth” without giving up its planned economy approach and within a centralistic and socialistic context.
But how does the implementation of those polices work? And what are the driving forces which initiate and accompany the formulation of these measures on the national and local level? Which effects do different models of state/ civil-society relations have? How does the regional and global embeddedness of these countries in capitalistic production systems affect the realization of these objectives? And in what ways are the negative trade-offs being dealt with?
For the past three years, these questions have been at the centre of the international and interdisciplinary research project “GreeTS: Green Transformations in the Global South” and were presented at a public panel on January 17th, 2019 at 7:30 the Schader-Forum in Darmstadt.
Welcome Address:
Alexander Gemeinhardt, Chairman of the Board, Schader-Stiftung
Dr. Steffen Bauer, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, Bonn
Prof. Harald Fuhr, Universität Potsdam
Dr. Frauke Urban, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Prof. Markus Lederer, Technische Universität Darmstadt