Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe
Artikel vom 13.11.2017

Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt and Dr. Jörg Kemmerzell from the institute of political science at the Technische Universität Darmstadt will examine the Energy Governance in European countries within the context of European and international developments in a workshop. Therefore, the authors debate national trajectories of energy policy and examine the instruments, coordination mechanisms and adoption of external influences of national energy sectors.
Beginn: 17.11.2017 | 11:30 Uhr
Ende: 18.11.2017 | 14:30 Uhr
Schader-Forum | Goethestr. 2 | 64285 Darmstadt
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Energy Governance becomes an issue of growing importance both in the social sciences in in political practice. The workshop is intended to examine the Energy Governance in European countries within the context of European and international developments. Therefore, the authors debate national trajectories of energy policy and examine the instruments, coordination mechanisms and adoption of external influences of national energy sectors. A central concern of the contributions will be the issue of the transition of energy systems. Against the background of both global and national challenges like climate change or energy security, sustainable energy transitions are on the agenda in many countries. Beyond all differences in terms of definition of sustainable energy as well as targets and scopes of transitions, the challenges of energy transition governance are quite similar. The intention of the presentations is to account for different, institutionally embedded, governing strategies in coping with these challenges. Therefore, they will serve two particular purposes: first, to describe the legacies and the state-of-affairs of a countries’ energy governance, and secondly, to capture particular transition paths and showing options for further development of national energy systems. The workshop provides a platform for energy researchers from 12 European countries to discuss the abovementioned issues.